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Hertel Insurors Group


AgriComp is a workers’ compensation safety group offered through Texas Mutual Insurance Company. Initially, AgriComp safety group was only available to Texas Grain and Feed Association members. In 2010, TGFA formed Lone Star Agribusiness Association to open up the safety group to organizations involved in agriculture outside of the grain and feed industry.
The Texas Department of Insurance allows the creation of a safety group for homogeneous types of businesses supported by an association. There are a number of safety groups in Texas from construction businesses to apartment managers. AgriComp is a safety group created for the agriculture industry available to members of either the Texas Grain and Feed Association or the Lone Star Agribusiness Association.
Besides the tremendous amount of resources available to you from Texas Mutual, the monetary benefits are as follows:
• The State provides a premium discount, reducing the premium every year at policy inception. At a premium of $5,000, an insured receives no premium discount. As the premium increases, so does the premium discount percentage. As a member of AgriComp, you enjoy the premium discount percentage based on the total premium of all combined members of the AgriComp safety group instead of to the smaller percentage based on your individual premium.
• Annual dividends are based on the loss history of AgriComp. Dividends are never guaranteed but members have enjoyed significant returns over the past ten years.
Eligible Classification Codes for the AgriComp Safety Group
If you fall into one of the codes below, apply for LSAA membership here. | If you fall into one of the codes below, apply for TGFA membership here. |
*If your business is directly involved in grain and/or feed processing, handling, feeding, hauling facilities, or are a broker/trader, you must apply for membership to Texas Grain & Feed Association here. |
Dues to Lone Star Agribusiness Association are nominal; in fact, in many cases dividends received are much more than yearly association dues and worth the investment.
Dues are based upon the size of your Workers’ Comp Insurance Premium.
Amount of Premium($) | Dues Amount($) |
Less than 15,000 | 250 |
15,000 - 30,000 | 300 |
30,000 - 45,000 | 350 |
45,000 - 60,000 | 400 |
More than 60,000 | 450 |
Lone Star Agribusiness Association is managed by TGFA staff. All dues are for the calendar year. Any applications received before December 31, 2025 would be for the 2025 year. If you wish to delay your membership until 2026, please complete and submit your application after January 1, 2026.
Robert L. Braden
President / CEO
Madison Brockman
Director of Communications